This week was just wonderful. So many fun things!
On Tuesday we had our mission Christmas Conference! I was going to send
pictures, but I accidentally left my card reader at home today... oops! So
you'll get them next week haha.
But it was awesome because the conference is the only time our whole entire
mission ever gets together, so it was fun to see old companions and catch up
with people. :) I saw Sister Chipman there and she told me that Ian was getting
the Priesthood that coming week, so that was yesterday. I was so excited!! I'm
so glad he is still making progress.
The meeting was so good though, it was about 6 hours of trainings on
Christ-like attributes, lunch, and musical numbers by the missionaries. IT WAS
SO GOOD. There's nothing better to learn about on Christmas than Christ.
There was one training by a Sister on hope that I really loved. She talked
about how a lot of times when we use the word '"hope", we use it with
uncertainty. Like, "I hope the weather clears up." or "I hope that I get the
job." We use it in a way that makes it seem like we are unsure or fearful. But
real hope, the hope that Christ had, was certain. It was
sure. Preach my Gospel defines hope as "An abiding trust
that the Lord will fulfill His promises to you. It is manifest in confidence,
optimism, enthusiasm, and patient perseverance. It is believing and
expecting that something will occur. When you have hope, you work through
trials and difficulties with the confidence and assurance that all things
will work together for your good. Hope helps you conquer
discouragement." I had never really thought about that before. The hope
that the gospel brings us isn't an uncertain kind of hope. It is a
certain hope. A knowledge that God loves us and that He has a plan
for us. I love that. That is why it is so important to share the gospel, because
people in the world don't have that hope!
On Christmas Eve we had dinner at the Stanford's house! Sister Stanford is
like.... a really really good cook. So yum. But we watched a church movie, read
Luke 2, and they gave us a gift! It was fun. Then we came home, made a ginger
bread house, put our mattresses in the front room, lit up all our Christmas
lights and had a little slumber party! So fun. :)
Then on Christmas we spent the day visiting members! Everyone here is so
nice and I just love them. Then I got to skype my family! That was fun. Weston
and Reagan looked so big! It was good to hear your voices and talk for a little
bit. :) Then that night we had a dinner at a member's house. Her name is Sudha
Gupta and she is this little old lady from India. Hahaha I will tell you more
about it next week when I send pictures but it was so funny. She kept piling and
piling on food it was so funny. Then she gave us this dessert.... oh boy not my
favorite. It was this sweet milk stuff with cheese patties floating in it. It
was rough hahaha. I'll send you pictures. I'm running out of time but I hope you
all had a wonderful Christmas! And have a happy new year!! Lots of love!
XOXO Sister Fowers
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Christmas day skyping with my Family |